HE fee assessment in England


  • Date
    21 March 2024
  • Time
    14:00 - 16:30


  • See Booking Options



This three-part training course offers UKCISA members an introduction to the regulations that determine who should be charged ‘home’ fees and who can be charged ‘overseas fees’ for higher education in England.

We will cover key concepts of fee assessment and explore the ‘home’ student fee categories that assessors come across most frequently. This course is highly participative, and between sessions, delegates will be required to do extra reading in preparation for the next session.  

The course will be delivered in three parts. Delegates must attend all three sessions:

  • Session 1: Thursday 21 March 2.00pm – 4.00pm
  • Session 2: Friday 22 March 10.00am – 12.00pm
  • Session 3: Friday 22 March 2.30pm – 4.30pm

In advance of the training, delegates should download a copy of UKCISA’s ‘Who pays ‘home’ fees for higher education in England?’ pdf guide, so that they can refer to it throughout the course.

Who should attend?

This course is for staff at UKCISA membership institutions who are fee assessors. We welcome those who are new to the role of assessing fee status and those who are familiar with fee assessment and would like a refresher course.


Tema Nwulu

Tema is an Advice & Training Officer. The Advice & Training team specialise in student-related immigration law, fee status and student support legislation, as well as other areas affecting international students such as welfare, hardship, and studying and living in the UK. They provide IAA-compliant advice to members and international students and deliver informative, engaging training to members. Their analysis of UK legislation enables UKCISA to identify issues in law and government materials for lobbying or clarification.

Kate Handforth

Kate is an Advice & Training Officer. The Advice & Training team specialise in student-related immigration law, fee status and student support legislation, as well as other areas affecting international students such as welfare, hardship, and studying and living in the UK. They provide IAA-compliant advice to members and international students and deliver informative, engaging training to members. Their analysis of UK legislation enables UKCISA to identify issues in law and government materials for lobbying or clarification.

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